Today = thursday
Suppose = there is a class
Reason = class have been delay
That is the situation of mine for this week. My class was only from Monday till Wednesday. I'm really happy for this. Hehehe... Why my class for thursday n friday have been delay???
Sebab my lecturer pun nk Konvokesyen dia. Bila?? If I'm not mistaken, tommorow. Cam klakar pun de gak. Kita org nk gi konvo, lecturer pun sibuk dgn konvo.
So, there is no class for today n tommorow... YES
Cam tak caye je, this week is the second last week for this semester. After that is the FINAL EXAM week. Huh... jap je dah nak habis this semester. Other than that, this week not really busy just the day before today agak suffer. Study for test Comm. Huh... tido kol 3 pagi bace comm. Kalo tak lulus, tak tahu la. DAh berhempas pulas mcm wat final dah pagi tuh.
Eventhough dah nak final exam, there is other test and assignment yg belum habis lagi.. sume ni yang make me worry. Why????
Test = Application Software
Test = Human Resource
Test = Record Mgt
sume jenis test yg disenaraikan nih, sume agak susah. Bila la agaknye nk dibuat test nih. Dah nk hbis lecture week dah nie.
Selain dari sibuk nk slesaikan sgala bendalah nih sume, hari yang paling sume yang berkenaan tak sabar nak gi untuk dinanti... pe dia???
Bila kat klas... sume msti tny "weh, ko blik bila tok konvo?" "balik konvo nek pe" sume sibuk tny2. Ye la, kt perak nk ke Shah Alam... jauh. Tapi yg pasti I need to going back to seremban first. Only then, gi amek jubah n reheasal on friday tu wif my dad. hehe... ngada2 nak balik umah gak.. Bila bukak facebook, rata2 my ex-classmate time diploma lu sibuk cite pasal date convo and final exam dekat2. Peh.. gile ke? ari ni first paper then sok konvo. macam nak pergi sane klu mcm tuh... tapi.. nasib bek jadual final exam tu bukan yang final draft nye. Da tukar baru dah. First paper is on 29 October 2009. Paper CoMmunicatINg at wOrk. Nasib bek dah tukar.
Berbalik kepada kelas yang telah di delay tu, lama tau.
Cuti.. cuti gak. Tapi mesti next week mesti sakit with all the test. So, cik fasya, sila lah rajin2 kan diri wat revision ye. Jangan goyang kaki tak wat pape. Here I have some word to say to:
AJ: ani, no giliran ani bila? jauh tak? kita no 737. Jangan lupe kita tau. T nak jumpe time konvo.
Ain Wahab: ain, skrang nih dah jrg sms kita kan... T-T dah lupe kita ke???
Apyp: cite yg apyp post tu, novel ke pe?
THis is me lately. Dalam kelas record mgt. TAk de keje tol... (tapi sbnrnye tgh tunggu turn tok group presentation tu) Presentation yg not well prepared tp lecturer kata ok. Ye la.. ok la sgt. That all for now.