Hari nie, tak berapa sihat. Semalam keracunan makanan. Hari nie pun tak elok sepenuhnye lagi. Tak tahu la makanan pe yang dimakan sampai sakit macam nih.... tu lah, asyik campur2 makan. Hari nie jugak rase sedih la...sebab Puan Hajah Shariaah da nak cuti sebelum bersara. Lepas nie, tak de la geng kat office. Walaupun puan Shariaah tu, paling senior kat office, tapi rase sronok dia ada kat office and senang nak bergaul dengan dia. Leh kata...kadang-kadang tu 1 kepala la gak dengan puan Shariaah. Tapi nak wat cam ne.. dah time puan tu nak bersara.
Esok 1 April 2009. Bermula lah, bulan April. Tinggal lagi 2 week and 5 days before habis praktikal. Semalam dah 2 ke 3 orang tanya, da siap wat report lum? hish...risau tol. Tanya soalan yang memang CEPUMAS nye soalan. Memang la tak siap lagi. Bila la nak siap ni, rase stress la bila tak siap-siap lagi nih. Sekarang ni kol 12.25 tghari. Cepat la kol 1 petang, tak larat da nih. k la....daaaaa :- (
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Pemergian rakan sekelas
Assalamualaikum sume. Mesti sume sudah sedia maklum mengenai pemergian arwah zaki.. Menurut sumber2, arwah kemalangan kereta di Kelemak pada tengah malam tadi. Selain arwah, pak we nene dan ada 2 lagi yang terkorban same. Disini saya nak ucapkan takziah kepada nene dan ahli keluarga arwah. Banyak bersabar ye nene. Marilah kita sedekahkan surah al-fatihah kepada yang telah pergi. Pasti budak DOMT 6B dan yang mengenali mereka sedih mengenai berita nie. Berita nie adalah sangat mengejutkan....tak sangka mereka telah pergi dulu......
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Difficult to express
I miss somebody. That person never call or sms me. It make me always remember about that person. Sometimes it makes me waiting for that person call or sms. That person make me suffered. This feeling also suffered me. I tried not to think about that person. But I can't. I don't know why I wait for that person.
From now....
I will try to forget about that person. I will make that person lost/dead/disappear from my life. I will never allow that person make me more suffer. Why do this happened to me?
From now....
I will try to forget about that person. I will make that person lost/dead/disappear from my life. I will never allow that person make me more suffer. Why do this happened to me?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thinking of you by Katy Perry

Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed
You said move on
Where do I go
I guess second best
Is all I will know
Cause When I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was lookin into your eyes
You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center
How do I get better
Once I've had the best
You said there's
Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test
He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into.....
You're the best
And yes I do regret
How I could let myself
Let you go
Now the lesson's learned
I touched it I was burned
Oh I think you should know
Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Oh won't you walk through
And bust in the door
And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Blog2 kawan n update
Sudah masuk pertengahan bulan march and da nak sampai penghujung da pun. Selain itu juga, nampak nye student DOMT 6B nie.... dah makin ramai wat blog. Sronok tengok blog kawan2. Bagus2. Kawan2 yang len tu pun, join la same yek. Boleh share korang nye idea, thought, and picture.
Nie da tak sabar2 nak habis practical ni. lagi beberapa minggu je...pastu kena present then tunggu result. Pastu tunggu result untuk permohonan degree lak. Tak sabar2 nak habis pun ye gak tapi report practical tak siap lagi nie. Baru sampai communication tapi tu pun baru sekerat. Part yang len2 tu, sekerat2 je yang wat. Pastu da tak tahu nak tulis pe coz tak de idea. hehehe.
Bila terkenang kan balik life sekarang (mode gi practical), rase macam bosan lak gi keje nih. Maybe sebab tak dapat gaji kot. Kuar kol 6.30 a.m. or 7.00 a.m. Pastu kol 8.30 a.m. masuk office. Sampai la kol 5.30 p.m. habis keja n balik umah. Macam bosan je. Balik umah je...mesti penat.
Yang peliknye, keja tak la macam buruh kasar tuh, kena angkat berat2 ke tapi malam je mesti penat giler. Tak sempat nk tgk tv. Wat report pun waktu weekend je. Sebabnye waktu tu je yang sempat.
Sekarang tengah tengok cite 'Night at the Museum'. It's sound interesting.
Ari tu afi bagi tau yang dia sampai 2 kali lecturer datang visit kat office dia. Pelik tol. sampai 2 kali. Kita orang yang len ni, bila la agaknye... dah nak habis bulan march dah nie. Tak pe la. Tak nak terburu2...t bila da sampai lecturer nye...menggelabah lak. :->
Huh... this week kat office is boring day and boring work. The reason i say that coz, keja hanya banyak wat filing. Keja len tak de. Tapi tak pe la kan...daripada tak de keja lansung. Hope this coming week, tak de la minggu yang membosankan lagi.
Okey..berbalik kepada blog kawan2. Antara yang terbaru n yang baru wat blog adalah
- Apyp
- Ain Akma
- fieza hakim
- Zuarifah
Tu lah dia. Sronok menjelajah blog orang nih.
Nie da tak sabar2 nak habis practical ni. lagi beberapa minggu je...pastu kena present then tunggu result. Pastu tunggu result untuk permohonan degree lak. Tak sabar2 nak habis pun ye gak tapi report practical tak siap lagi nie. Baru sampai communication tapi tu pun baru sekerat. Part yang len2 tu, sekerat2 je yang wat. Pastu da tak tahu nak tulis pe coz tak de idea. hehehe.
Bila terkenang kan balik life sekarang (mode gi practical), rase macam bosan lak gi keje nih. Maybe sebab tak dapat gaji kot. Kuar kol 6.30 a.m. or 7.00 a.m. Pastu kol 8.30 a.m. masuk office. Sampai la kol 5.30 p.m. habis keja n balik umah. Macam bosan je. Balik umah je...mesti penat.
Yang peliknye, keja tak la macam buruh kasar tuh, kena angkat berat2 ke tapi malam je mesti penat giler. Tak sempat nk tgk tv. Wat report pun waktu weekend je. Sebabnye waktu tu je yang sempat.
Sekarang tengah tengok cite 'Night at the Museum'. It's sound interesting.
Ari tu afi bagi tau yang dia sampai 2 kali lecturer datang visit kat office dia. Pelik tol. sampai 2 kali. Kita orang yang len ni, bila la agaknye... dah nak habis bulan march dah nie. Tak pe la. Tak nak terburu2...t bila da sampai lecturer nye...menggelabah lak. :->
Huh... this week kat office is boring day and boring work. The reason i say that coz, keja hanya banyak wat filing. Keja len tak de. Tapi tak pe la kan...daripada tak de keja lansung. Hope this coming week, tak de la minggu yang membosankan lagi.
Okey..berbalik kepada blog kawan2. Antara yang terbaru n yang baru wat blog adalah
- Apyp
- Ain Akma
- fieza hakim
- Zuarifah
Tu lah dia. Sronok menjelajah blog orang nih.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Birthday cake
Assalamualaikum...pembuka kata untuk ari nie nye post....:-D
Hari nie tak de la sibuk mane pun coz kerja tak banyak. Tapi staff-staff yang len yang sibuk coz ari nie ada meeting department tempat ku kerja nie. (unit disetiap state termasuk melaka, johor n negeri sembilan). Sebab pe kata sibuk, sebab meeting nie is today morning. Sambil2 orang len sibuk, ku pun turut menyibukkan diri...hehehe. Pagi nie ada morning talk between GM and exec. Skali dengan celebrate exec birthday. Yang uruskan order dan amik cake nie, Puan sharia'ah and Encik Faridz. Puan sharia'ah ajak skali gi amik cake. Pe lagi kan...orang da ajak. Lawa kek nye... warna tanah cake tu biru..bunga pun biru. kedai cake tu taruk lambang company skali. Skali pandang memang nampak sedap cake tuh. Janji dengan kedai cake tu kol 10.00 pagi siap tapi kita orang sampai kol 9.30 pagi...so, kena la tunggu. Selesai amek cake tuh, balik smula ke office untuk antar cake tuh ke tempat and majlis yang sepatutnye. Pas slesai sume2nye, balik ke office sambung wat kerja. ( tapi sempat lagi post kat blog...heheheh. kejap je) kalau lama2 tak elok lak. t orang kata asyik men internet je.
*hari nie sebelah pagi dapat g jalan2 jap. sronok dapat kuar office, tak de la terperap je.
Hari nie tak de la sibuk mane pun coz kerja tak banyak. Tapi staff-staff yang len yang sibuk coz ari nie ada meeting department tempat ku kerja nie. (unit disetiap state termasuk melaka, johor n negeri sembilan). Sebab pe kata sibuk, sebab meeting nie is today morning. Sambil2 orang len sibuk, ku pun turut menyibukkan diri...hehehe. Pagi nie ada morning talk between GM and exec. Skali dengan celebrate exec birthday. Yang uruskan order dan amik cake nie, Puan sharia'ah and Encik Faridz. Puan sharia'ah ajak skali gi amik cake. Pe lagi kan...orang da ajak. Lawa kek nye... warna tanah cake tu biru..bunga pun biru. kedai cake tu taruk lambang company skali. Skali pandang memang nampak sedap cake tuh. Janji dengan kedai cake tu kol 10.00 pagi siap tapi kita orang sampai kol 9.30 pagi...so, kena la tunggu. Selesai amek cake tuh, balik smula ke office untuk antar cake tuh ke tempat and majlis yang sepatutnye. Pas slesai sume2nye, balik ke office sambung wat kerja. ( tapi sempat lagi post kat blog...heheheh. kejap je) kalau lama2 tak elok lak. t orang kata asyik men internet je.
*hari nie sebelah pagi dapat g jalan2 jap. sronok dapat kuar office, tak de la terperap je.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Qoute of the day
Sometimes our desire or want
Across the line
But we don't realize it
But we don't realize it
Sometimes our word
Hurt others
But we don't realize it
Hurt others
But we don't realize it
Sometimes we always
Think about what others will say
but others doesn't really care
but others doesn't really care
About you yourself
Sometimes we think that
We have really big problem
But we don't realize
That there are other people
Have more problem
that more difficulty and complicated
Compare to yourself
Have more problem
that more difficulty and complicated
Compare to yourself
Did you ever realise about all of it?????
It all about life experience and challenge.
Friday, March 13, 2009
KeNAngaN SemESter 5

Ini bukan sahaje kenangan di semester lima tapi diselitkan kenangan atau majlis yang dihadiri bersama. Setiap perkara yang dilakukan bersame adalah kenangan bagi kita semua sebagai classmate. Kita akan teringat kesemua kenangan bersama apabila kita telah meninggalkan zaman belajar pada masa akan datang.....
Friday, March 6, 2009
Today activity at my office was 5S. It means 'gotong-royong' lah. Our office will transfer for several months for building renovation. So, me and all the staff at my department need to do some clearence in the store room. That room is so smelly with the stuff inside there and that room doesn't have window at all. Mostly stuff in the store room is the folders that no longer use, the t-shirt, the pc and many more. The store room look scary and mysterious because of no window for the sun light come in. Everybody in my office help each other to clean up that room. The best part here is Puan Sharia'ah already made an odered of Nasi Tomato and Air Bandung at canteen. Luckly Puan Sharia'ah made that odered because after the "mission complete" all of us really hungry.
Hehehe.....:-D but i'm feel happy and enjoy it. Furthermore, before I went back home, all the staff there celebrate one of the worker that retire today and today is the last day of his service in this company. They did some photograpy session and gave some present to him. It was so happening.
Hehehe.....:-D but i'm feel happy and enjoy it. Furthermore, before I went back home, all the staff there celebrate one of the worker that retire today and today is the last day of his service in this company. They did some photograpy session and gave some present to him. It was so happening.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Treasure hunt
hmm....ngantuk nye bila da masuk tengah hari nie. Nie baru balik dari office kat cawangan Jalan Labu. Cube teka wat pe kat sane????
Harta karun yang memang WANTED.
Pergi ke office Jalan Labu bertiga. (Puan Bibi, En. Sidek n me). Harta karun yang sebenarnye yang dimaksudkan disini ialah fail peribadi one of the staff of this company. Berzaman da this person retired. Tempat yang kene cari fail ini ialah kat stor. Bukan bilik stor tapi dewan stor. Sebab pe panggil dewan stor, sebab....stor tu sebesar dewan . Dah la banyak barang dan kotak2 kayu. Tempatnye berhabuk2. Wanted fail nie...wanted file coz memang dikehendaki pun. Ia disimpan dalam satu kabinet file ni. Kat situ ada 3 file cabine. Cari punya cari, tak jugak jumpe. Tah mane la fail ni menyorok. Penat dah mencarinye. Sampaikan baju Pn. Bibi yang lawa tu pun dah hitam2 dek abuk kat file cabinet tuh.
Balik la kami bertiga ke office smula. Tapi sebelum tu kami pergi lunch kat seremban 2 sebab dah masuk waktu rehat. Hopefully bila file tu da dijumpai, aku nak sangat tengok, pegang and bergambo skali. Geram... tak jumpe2.
Harta karun yang memang WANTED.
Pergi ke office Jalan Labu bertiga. (Puan Bibi, En. Sidek n me). Harta karun yang sebenarnye yang dimaksudkan disini ialah fail peribadi one of the staff of this company. Berzaman da this person retired. Tempat yang kene cari fail ini ialah kat stor. Bukan bilik stor tapi dewan stor. Sebab pe panggil dewan stor, sebab....stor tu sebesar dewan . Dah la banyak barang dan kotak2 kayu. Tempatnye berhabuk2. Wanted fail nie...wanted file coz memang dikehendaki pun. Ia disimpan dalam satu kabinet file ni. Kat situ ada 3 file cabine. Cari punya cari, tak jugak jumpe. Tah mane la fail ni menyorok. Penat dah mencarinye. Sampaikan baju Pn. Bibi yang lawa tu pun dah hitam2 dek abuk kat file cabinet tuh.
Balik la kami bertiga ke office smula. Tapi sebelum tu kami pergi lunch kat seremban 2 sebab dah masuk waktu rehat. Hopefully bila file tu da dijumpai, aku nak sangat tengok, pegang and bergambo skali. Geram... tak jumpe2.
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